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CEL is engaged in research activities to build better relations between businesses and societies
so that the Daigas Group can continue to be of service to the public into the future.

  • Osaka Gas NETWORK


The Research Institute for Culture, Energy and Life (CEL) was established by Osaka Gas in 1986 as an in-house institute to research current social trends and future scenarios from long-term and broad-ranging perspectives and disseminate its findings to interested parties inside and outside the company. In cooperation with a variety of stakeholders, CEL has since undertaken research, implemented programs, and presented recommendations to help create comfortable lifestyles, vibrant communities, and sustainable societies.

About Us

To help create comfortable lives, vibrant communities, and sustainable societies


We introduce the researchers.

Research Institute for Culture, Energy and Life OSAKA GAS NETWORK Co., Ltd. 4-1-2 Hirano-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0046, Japan
